"Modern Father of the Public Awareness of
Oxygen Therapies."
The Only Person In History Who Interviewed Thousands of Oxygen Therapy Using Patients & Doctors Worldwide, and Also The First To Internationally Publish Popular Oxy Information, Books and Tapes.
Mr. McCabe self-published, self-promoted, & sold over 250,000 copies of his first book, Oxygen Therapies because the big publishers, news bureaus, talk shows, movie stars, sports heroes, Internet, and AIDS groups ignored him when he personally contacted them all with positive proof of the effectiveness of Oxygen/Ozone Therapies. Ed appeared on over 1,500 media and speaking events in 8 countries over 10 years, in order to get the word out and help everybody. He did it because somehow we have to overcome the public lack of knowledge about the proven safe oxygen/ozone solutions, as well as repair the almost total lack of media attention paid to them.
more about Mr.Oxygen here
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ISBN: 0-9620527-2-8 $27.99 Retail, 6 X 9 Paperback, 640 pages
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